Explore our diverse range of discounts tailored for everyone
At The Liv, we believe in rewarding loyalty. Each month, we celebrate your return with exclusive discounts on your first, second and third visits. Whether it’s your favorite strain or a new product you’ve been eyeing, our monthly visit rewards ensure that every trip to The Liv is a delight. Come back and let the joy continue!
To our military heroes, we extend our deepest gratitude for
your service and sacrifice. As a token of our appreciation, we
are proud to offer a special discount for all active duty
military personnel and veterans.
Age is just a number at The Liv! Seniors hold a special place
in our hearts, and we’re delighted to offer an exclusive
discount to our seasoned patrons.
Join our loyalty program today!
Sign up now and start earning points and discounts
with every purchase.
200 points = $10 off your purchase
500 points = $ 35 off your purchase
750 points = 25% off your orders